Become a Wildlife Release Site
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Is your property suitable to be a Wildlife Release Site?
The successful release of wildlife is one of our carers’ greatest joys and we’d love to invite you to be part of it by allowing wildlife to be released from your property. Various species have various needs so please describe your property below to help determine what species it might be suitable for.
Depending on the species, you might need to provide access to water, a little supplementary feeding and/or simply to monitor the animals.
Please provide full details of the property, the size and where it is situated, and the type of vegetation that will be readily available to newly released animals. Is the water supply available all year round, any roads that are close to the property, adjoining properties, and domestic animals? Food sources, grass, blossoms, berries, eucalyptus, please give as much information as you can. One of our coordinators will get in touch to discuss further with you.
Give them the best chance of survival with release back into the wild

Macropods, Possums, Bandicoots, Echidnas, Birds, Flying Foxes, Bats.
They all need a safe place to be released

Please fill in the expression of interest in becoming a release site form
What else you can do to help our wildlife?
We would like to thank our sponsors and vets who help us care for our wildlife
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