Great to hear you want to care for our Native Rodents & Bandicoots we always need more carers
Native Rodents Dasyurids Bandicoots
Native Rodents & Bandicoots
Australia has over 57 species
of native rodents. Only four species
have been introduced.
Information for potential carers & rescuers
Our Native Rodents Dasyurids & Bandicoots training is currently delivered with the possum training courses
$10 for NQ Wildlife members
To register and for more details, please check out our training page
Bandicoots are often brought in by the cat and need care to recover
It is mostly the juveniles that come into care as they have just become a bit more independent and venture out of the nest with mum. They develop quickly so they’re mostly between 80-150g ( of course it could also be pouch pinkies or adults but the above weight range is what comes into care the most.
Cats are the number one cause…
It is most important to quickly rescue them and keep them warm and very quiet, put them in a box with a cloth in it so they can hide and feel safe, as stress is a killer
No food or water of any kind is to be given & no handling other than to get them to safety, this is for survival reasons as the stress of handling them can kill them as can feeding them.
If in doubt of what species you might have please take them to a vet or call our rescue line on
0414 717 374
Caring for our small native animals is a great way to introduce you to wildlife care. All our animals deserve a happy life. Australia has over 57 species of native rodents which are a crucial part of our biodiverse ecosystem and the survival of our native wildlife is dependent on them, So please rescue a rodent or bandicoot and give them a chance to live and thrive
If you find small rodents
dasyurids or bandicoots that are in distress or in need of rescuing, please contact us on our rescue hotline
0414 717 374
It can be very difficult to identify what species you have found Rodent ID is very complex, especially when they’re still young. Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to tell the natives from the non-natives, so give them the benefit of the doubt and rescue them
Eastern Chestnut Mouse
Planigale Maculata (Common Planigale)
Fawn-footed Melomys
Im Elvis Long-nosed Bandicoot
Forrest Beach has both Long-Nosed and the Northern Brown bandicoots
I’m a bandicoot
I rummage the ground turning over soil and leaves increasing the rate of decomposition dispersing fungi spores and other cool stuff
I’m a Northern Brown Bandicoot. We are small but love to tend to your garden, we are crucial to a healthy ecosystem
Interested in becoming a Native Rodent & Bandicoot carer?
Contact Us or Visit Our Wildlife Centre.
27A Aitken street Aitkenvale