What to do if you find a Micro Bat in distress.
Contact the 24-hour rescue hot-line immediately on 0414 717 374 Press 4 for bats and 1 for Microbats
Our rescue team can guide you on steps to take if you find an injured or distressed animal.
Bats are great mosquito hunters
Information for RESCUE
What to do if you find a Micro Bat in distress.
- If the Micro Bat is on the ground something is wrong with it
Please place a cloth and shoe box or container over the Micro Bat. Don’t be tempted to peek
as some species can fly off from rest or run very fast on the ground - Hanging low on an external wall, window, or door. If tucked up high in
corner of a patio or carport it will most likely fly out the next night - Take a photo if possible
Switch off the patio fan
Keep children and animals away from the area - Micro Bat is Inside your house
- If you see the bat fly into the house at night, you can try and encourage
it out by: - Switching off ceiling fans
- Closing doors to other rooms
- Open external doors and windows
- Switch off lights inside
- Keep children and animals away from the area
- If you find bat hanging on a wall, flying inside your house or on the floor
or furniture, there is a possibility it may have been trapped inside longer
than 24hrs. In which case it will have to come into care - Switch off all ceiling fans
- Close all doors to other rooms
- Keep children and animals away from the area
- Watch that it doesn’t move from where its roosting
- Micro Bat is In or hanging on the side of your pool. Microbats can swim quite well but
have difficulty climbing out of pools. You will often find them on pool
noodles or hose - Scoop the Micro Bat out of the pool with a pool net
- Cover the Bat with cloth and box or container
- Brought in by your cat. Unfortunately, cat attacks are a major cause of
death in microbats, from injury, infection, and stress - Cover with cloth and box or container
- Switching off ceiling fans
- Closing doors to other rooms
- Keep children and animals away from the area
- Caught in flypaper- leave on flypaper till rescuer arrives
A very small number of microbats carry the Australian bat Lyssavirus,
and we advise that unvaccinated members of the public do not try to
catch or handle any bats. All our rescuers are vaccinated and are
trained to handle microbats safely and are available 24hrs a day for
advice and rescue.
Microbats are vital in controlling our insect populations and assist in
protecting us and our pets against mosquito borne diseases. They
roost in trees, culverts, bridges, and roof spaces around the Townsville
area. They are NOT A RISK to people if NOT HANDLED.
Please contact the 24-hour rescue hotline immediately on 0414 717 374
We will guide you on steps to take if you find an injured or distressed animal.
There’s always a Micro Bat carer available for rescue.
People should not handle or rescue Micro Bats unless they are vaccinated.
Micro Bats in Australia are known to carry an infection that can pose a serious risk to human health – Australian bat lyssavirus
If the Micro Bat is on the ground
Place a cloth and shoe box or container over it. Don’t be tempted to peek as some species can fly off from rest or run very fast on the ground
A Micro Bat in your home
If you see the bat fly into the house at night, you can try and encourage
it out by opening external doors and windows
If I’m a baby please keep me warm
Cover me with a cloth, not a towel as the towels are too heavy for my body. Please place a box or container over me rather than handling me as I’m scared and have baby teeth that are sharp. So I might try and defend myself and nip you.
Interested in becoming a wildlife rescuer
Contact Us or Visit Our Wildlife Centre.
0414 717 374 FOR RESCUE
25 Aitkens street Aitkenvale