Team NQ Wildlife
Our Committee for 2023/2024
NQ Wildlife was established in Townsville in 1989 by a group of committed carers and incorporated in 1990. The initial objective of the founding members was to provide a support platform for wildlife carers residing in the area. We hope to give the animals and carers a good network of care To rescue, rehabilitate to release!
Giving our wildlife the best possible chance of surviving once released back into the wild
Positions that we need you for in 2023/2024
Non-Committee Positions
Reptile Coordinator
Events Officer
Resources Officer
Meet Your Team

President - Flying Fox Coordinator - Wildman Database Administrator
I have been a member of NQWC for 30 years, Flying Fox coordinator for most of that time, and I have also held the positions of Publications Officer, Training Officer and President.
In addition to flying foxes, I also care for a variety of birds.
I am a retired law lecturer – my area of research was wildlife law – and when I am not rescuing, feeding, medicating and cleaning, I am also involved in politics. I believe that our political system needs to be transformed to ensure that our wildlife is valued and protected. Caring for animals is wonderful but I want to also address the issues that bring wildlife into our care such as land clearing, pollution, barbed wire, shooting, domestic animal attacks, road accidents, cruelty and generally lack of effective legal protection.

Vice President : Head Mousketer

I moved to Townsville 20 years ago from Melbourne. I ran my own bookkeeping service for nearly 30 years both here and in Melbourne. I have been retired for a few years now and I am a member of several not-for-profit groups and have served on other committees, usually as treasurer or a similar role.
My role in NQWC Inc. is to keep the books of the organisation and make sure we comply with the accounting standards so that we can be audited, as we are each year. We are registered to receive tax deductible donations and there are special regulations and reporting applying to these funds as well. Keeping track of income and expenses is very important to the smooth running of the group.
Fundraising is very important to keep the lights on so if you have any suggestions for income making activities, please contact me or any other committee member, we welcome all suggestions. Even better, get involved on the committee, it is a great learning experience.

Debie Djembe
IT & Creative Industries
I’ve been the website and social media person for the last year and have again put my hand up to help the organisation with my IT and website skills. I’ve been a carer for only a short time since April 2020 after seeking out ways to help our wildlife during those terrible fires, I started making koala mittens then Joey bags, liners and 3D pouches, and while searching for a place to drop them off I found NQ Wildlife and have enjoyed caring for Agile wallabies ever since. My goals for the website have been to make it more user-friendly and informative, to help the organisation connect with its members more easily, and to give NQ Wildlife an emotive connection online with both members and members of the public. With Social media, I have tried to give us a high profile with event listings, branding, videos, and informative graphics to share. I’ve also been acting as a publications officer to get email newsletters out to you via the website, if you haven’t received any Newsletters please check your email spam box and if not there then email me. In my spare time, I play in bands, teach African drumming, build other websites, and care for the joeyboos. If you have any trouble navigating the NQ Wildlife website please get in touch.
warm regards

Training Coordinator

Echidna & Macropod Coordinator
Margaret has been a carer at NQ Wildlife since 1981 and is also a representative of Queensland Wildlife Rehabilitation Councils District 3: Northern Region
Savannah – Townsville Marine
Margaret specialises in macropods and Echidna needing critical care, she is our first contact after losing mum for many of the joeys and puggles that come into care, After they are established and doing well they then go to the carers. Margaret is currently the Echidna coordinator and one of the Macropod coordinators, her knowledge of both the echidna and macropod families is immense

Micro Bat Coordinator - Wildman Database Administrator - Restricted Medicines Compliance Officer.
I was recruited as a RN from Scotland to Townsville in 1994 and worked as a Breast Care Nurse at the Townsville University Hospital till I retired in 2011. I promptly joined NQWC and became hooked on caring for bats. I become the Microbat Coordinator in 2013 having fallen in love with my little Freetail treasures.
I’ve also held various positions on the management committee including Training Officer and Covid Resource Officer. I’m currently one half of the ‘Wild Women team’, training and supporting members on the use of our database Wildman and the Restricted Medicines Compliance Officer.
My main role however is train and support my Microbat carers and spread the word on how rewarding it is to see them fly back to their families after being in care.
I hope to encourage many more people to join us on the microbat team, to care and be challenged by these special little mammals

Macropod Coordinator
My name is Tracey & I’m your Macropod Coordinator. I have cared for these amazing animals since 2010 & am passionate about their welfare & care, I have a particular interest in the treatment & control of disease & illness affecting these magnificent creatures & love to mentor new carers at the start of their maccy journey. I have held the position of Maccy coord for the past 5 years & feel very honoured & grateful to do so. A bit about myself…..well I’m a Registered Nurse ( in my other life) & live at the beautiful Forrest Beach I’m married to Kevin ( also a carer) & specialise in the bigger species such as Eastern Grey kangaroos & Walleroo’s. However, although macropods hold a special place I am passionate about all animals & their welfare including the care &. treatment of our farm animals & try to advocate on their behalf at all times
Social Media

Rescue Phone Coordinator
I’m one of the newest active volunteers with NQ Wildlife. I haven’t been in the game for 10-20 years like some, but wildlife caring and rescuing is quickly becoming my primary activity outside of work as a PhD student at JCU. I moved to Townsville from the US at the start of 2022 and love learning about and interacting with Australia’s amazing wildlife during my time here.
Since I started, I have been answering phone calls for animals in need, completing rescues all over town, and have been caring for birds and possums. I feel very proud to have found a niche within this group, where I feel supported and feel like I can make a large contribution where it counts. I am excited to see what I can contribute to the group as the phone coordinator!
Let’s Grow Together
Become a member and get involved
Help us rescue and rehabilitate our native wildlife